24/7 Equipment Monitoring

We provide hosting services for all your Cleverotros purchases, with constant equipment monitoring at any of our 3 facilities, with an on-site trained technician available to offer 24/7 customer support. The benefits of hosting with us, mine remotely and safely, at a cheaper electricity rate. Our hosting services are a great option if you are looking to expand the number of miners you operate. If you are new to mining, just want to see the new income stream, our hosting services are good for the “set it and forget it” mindsets. Save the time, extra expense and leave that to us. By hosting in any of our facilities, you will never have to deal with wondering what space you’re going to use house your units, you won’t have to worry about adding the 220V electrical wiring, and the heat or noise generated from mining rigs will never drive you crazy. All crypto payments are paid out twice a month an go directly into your provided wallet.